What is Agni Yoga?


In his novel "Lost Horizon", also a Hollywood movie, James Hilton tells of Shangri-La, a remote valley in the Himalayas, where an order of sages has unlocked the secret of immortality and established a culture in which people live as in paradise: without hardship, suffering, greed, violence, poverty and unemployment.


The Mahatmas of Shangri-La (or Shambhala, as we say today) actually exist. They have addressed the suffering, misguided humanity several times in the last 150 years or so: With the famous Mahatma Letters, which anyone can still see in the British Museum in London, and through Helena Blavatsky and Francia La-Due (Temple of the People) and their writings. They have sent out representatives to build new communities in various places around the world according to the example of Shambhala.


The latest, most comprehensive initiative of the Brotherhood of Shambhala is Agni Yoga (in the West also called Living Ethics): A Holy Scripture of 14 volumes comparable only to the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible or the Koran. It can be read at www.agniyoga.org.


This immense work conveys the knowledge that humanity will need in the coming two millennia (Age of Aquarius). Anyone who reads these books will sense that a higher than human wisdom is speaking to him.


The Teachings of Agni Yoga were given in the first half of the last century to the Russian Helena Roerich, the wife of the great painter Nicholas Roerich.


Agni Yoga is a synthesis of science and religion: a religion based on science and a science that penetrates with its cognition into the higher, invisible world.


Living ethics is a philosophy that gives everyone, regardless of faith, answers to the existential questions of human existence: About the meaning of life, the meaning of suffering, God, life after death, man's responsibility for his thoughts, words and deeds, etc.


Agni Yoga, like Zen for example, is a practice of spiritual exercises that enable everyone, in whatever circumstances he lives, to attain a higher existence. It is a spiritual martial art. Just as in the past the Shaolin or Samurai practised sword fighting to preserve the integrity of their bodies, so today's spiritual warrior needs spiritual weapons to defend and develop the life of his higher nature, his immortal soul.


Agni Yoga encompasses a complete programme for the renewal of both the individual and human society as a whole.



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