Series "Introduction to Agni Yoga II"


Broadcasting 16: Possession by evil Spirits


Part 1                 Part 2             Part 3


Possession – an epidemic! What is possession? How does possession arise? Types of possession. How does possession express itself? How do you recognize possession? How can possession be healed?  


Broadcasting 17: Who (or what) is God?

The new scientific Understanding of God


Part 1               Part 2          Part 3


Man as a seeker for God. Scientific concept of God. No earthly measures. Do not separate God from the rest of nature. Man on the path to God. God as the peak of Hierarchy. Mystery. Knowledge of the heart. God in nature and within ourselves. God: a being or a principle? No “God the Father”. Cognition through rapprochement. The peak in motion


Broadcasting 18: The Meaning of Life


Part 1                       Part 2


Growth. Unfold your potential. Strengthen your spiritual powers, refine your inner senses. The Path to God. Prerequisite: immortality. Ascent on the ladder of Hierarchy. Reach the next level of evolution. Perfect yourself. Your personal mission


Broadcasting 19: The Meaning of Suffering


Part 1                   Part 2                  Part 3


Hints at wrong behaviour. Overcome suffering through self-perfection. No suffering in a perfect world. Suffering created by man himself. Necessity of suffering in an imperfect world. Suffering a result of ignorance. Impulse for progress. Suffering and the law of correspondence. Suffering and Karma. Turn suffering into joy


Broadcasting 20: Rejoice at Obstacles!


Part 1                Part 2           Part 3           Part 4  


Difficulties are unavoidable. Obstacles and the law of correspondence. Growth only through difficulties. Difficulties are opportunities. Make use of obstacles! The usefulness of enemies. The worse, the better. Striving causes opposition. Obstacles strengthen the spirit. Obstacles are tests. Difficulties are guideposts. Joy at obstacles


Broadcasting 21: Sexuality


Part 1                   Part 2                  Part 3   


Biological foundations. Holy act. No fun. No desire of the soul. The soul is looking for spiritual community. No dissipation of valuable energy. Suffering through sexuality. Future races without sexuality. Mastering the sexual drive. The mission of women